'Good Day Slovakia' Party to Merge with 'Democrats' of Eduard Heger
1. mája 2023 15:44
Banska Bystrica/Bratislava, May 1 (TASR) - The Democrats party, led by interim Prime Minister Eduard Heger, will merge with a fledgling party called Good Day Slovakia, whose founding members Jan Subak, Jozef Sykora, Martin Javorcek and Karol Achimsky are set to join the Democrats, TASR learnt from a press conference held by Democrats chair Heger on Monday.
Founder of Good Day Slovakia and entrepreneur Jan Subak stated that he decided to create his party following the murders of patrons of the Teplaren gay bar in Bratislava. "In its relatively brief history, Slovakia has undergone better and worse periods, but at the turning points the inhabitants of this country always managed to make the right decisions and always stood united," claimed Subak. He pointed out, however, that the rate of polarisation and populism in the recent era has gone beyond any known boundaries.
Heger underlined that the merger with Good Day Slovakia was announced symbolically on the anniversary of Slovakia's accession to the EU. "The joining of forces benefits Slovakia, and it benefits also Europe," he stressed.
Heger stated that aside from experience and expertise, Subak has brought advertisement space for the Democrats. He called on democratic politicians and entrepreneurs to continue the process of joining forces.
"We're capable of fundraising tens of thousands [of euros] from our own reserves, but for a strong campaign you need hundreds of thousands. That's why we appreciate help and support from decent entrepreneurs. We can win the contest against people who have millions from oligarchs and plastic-baggers [providers of bribes in plastic bags - ed.note] only if decent people will stand behind us," warned the interim prime minister.