Prague: Odor Discussed Brain Drain with Fiala, Disinformation with Pavel

4. júla 2023 21:40
Prague/Bratislava, July 4 (TASR-correspondent) - The Slovak Government intends to adopt measures to slow down the brain drain in Slovakia as early as this year, Prime Minister Ludovit Odor declared at his meeting with Czech counterpart Petr Fiala in Prague on Tuesday. TASR learnt the news from its special correspondent in Prague. Odor pointed out that Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala used to head the Masaryk University in Brno in the past, a school boasting a large number of Slovak students. Because of this, Fiala and Odor discussed what the Slovak universities should offer students, so as to bolster their attractivness. "Aside from the (Czech universities') better-looking and better-equipped premises, there's also more extensive cooperation with the private sector and greater emphasis on quality, which is something we must implement as well," claimed Odor, who pointed out that the Recovery Plan features also a university education reform. "It won't be easy, but we'd like to adopt first measures, so as to curb the brain drain, as early as this year," he added. In the afternoon, Odor met with Czech President Petr Pavel and discussed, for instance, the fight against disinformation. "Even Mr. President is advocating a strategy to target the disinformation in early stage, when there's still a window of opportunity to do something about it. Of course, that's quite a challenge, but we've seen the impacts (of disinformation) on society," said Odor. Pavel praised the closeness of ties between Bratislava and Prague. "Czech-Slovak ties are firm and the mutual cooperation is unshakable, irrespective of who forms political governments," he posted on Twitter. mf
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