President Zelenskyy Meets with Slovak Ex-premier and Ex-Defence Minister

7. júla 2023 21:18
Bratislava, July 7 (TASR) - During his Friday visit to Slovakia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also met former Slovak premier Eduard Heger (2020-23) and former defence minister Jaroslav Nad (2020-23) to thank them for the decisions they made for the benefit of Ukraine and its people, TASR learnt from Matus Mandrak of the 'Democrats' party press department on the same day. According to the 'Democrats', Zelenskyy showed appreciation for Slovakia's humanitarian and military aid for Ukraine, whether it was the gifting of MiG-29 fighter jets, Bozena demining systems, Zuzana 2 howitzers or the S-300 missile defence system. "The visit by Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Bratislava sends a clear signal that Ukraine is grateful for the Slovak aid and strategic partnership between our two countries. Slovakia belongs among the states that have taken the good side, the side of law and justice," said Heger. Having a free Ukraine in the EU and NATO is in the strategic and security interest of all Slovak people, added Heger. Nad perceives the meeting with the Ukrainian President as Ukraine's show of gratitude. "A meeting outside the official itinerary of the president is not common practice. The in-person meeting of Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Eduard Heger and I is a clear gesture of gratitude and recognition. We stood by our good neighbour and friend in times of adversity," pointed out Nad. mf/mcs
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