Remisova: Fico Is No Martyr, 'For the People' Won't Support Extra House Session

17. augusta 2023 18:25
Bratislava, August 17 (TASR) - The former coalition 'For the People' party won't support the extraordinary House session, to be convened over the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) raids as part of the operation Resolution, which led to the charges being pressed against the head of National Security Authority (NBU) and the head of Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS), 'For the People' chair Veronika Remisova announced on Thursday. According to Remisova, Fico misuses the work of law enforcement to his political ends. "He's trying to trick the people, but he's no martyr suffering under witch hunts. He's the head of a group of people who have been lawfully convicted for the worst crimes and who have pillaged and plundered Slovakia for years," she said. Earlier on Thursday, the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) charged several individuals as part of the operation Resolution. The charges concern a criminal group that obstructed investigations into corruption and other criminal cases, created the impression that witness testimonies are being manipulated by investigators, and attempted to discredit the law-enforcement authorities. Two individuals have been charged with the abuse of public officials' powers out of vengeance. Among the indicted are businessman Peter K. [names abbreviated due to legal reasons- ed.note], SIS chief Michal A., former SIS head Vladimir P., former NAKA member Jan K. and former SIS member Martin C., who was also apprehended. Two other police officers were apprehended as suspects. mf/mcs
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