Economy Ministry Preparing Plan for Developing Wind Energy in Slovakia

19. augusta 2023 16:42
Bratislava, August 19 (TASR) - The Economy Ministry is preparing for the next government a plan for the energy transformation of Slovakia that should include significantly developing wind energy, Economy Minister Peter Dovhun has reported on Facebook. According to Dovhun, the ministry expects increased demand for electricity after 2030, namely by more than half when compared to 2022, reaching a level of 41.9 terawatt-hours. The wind power generation models considered by the ministry envisage installed turbine capacities ranging from 1,000 up to 6,000 megawatts. Currently, wind turbines in operation in Slovakia have a total capacity of approximately three megawatts. Dovhun claimed that the priority of increasing wind power generation will also be included in the upcoming update of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). Back in April, the government approved a revision of the recovery plan, which includes a new green chapter. Based on this, the government plans to support the creation of two pilot areas for wind energy development. The state should prepare these areas with all the necessary permits and infrastructure, including connection to the electricity grid. Investors and power plant operators should then compete for the opportunity to build a wind power plant in the areas. These go-to zones should be just one means of promoting the development of wind power, according to the minister. The legislative environment and processes should also support individual projects by investors, whether their aim is to build new assets for the purpose of doing business in the energy sector or to generate electricity for their own consumption. zel/df
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