Pellegrini: Voice Won't Team Up with Republic Due to Its anti-NATO Stance

21. augusta 2023 15:09
Bratislava, August 21 (TASR) - The Voice-SD party won't enter into a coalition with the far-right Republic movement, which it criticises for announcing its intention to organise a referendum on leaving NATO, Voice-SD leader Peter Pellegrini stated on Monday. Republic head Milan Uhrik confirmed over the weekend that his party wants to organise a referendum on quitting NATO in the next four years. "With this statement by the Republic chair yesterday, we can definitively declare that Voice will never enter into any electoral coalition with this political party partly due to his statements and opinions on where Slovakia should be internationally anchored," said Pellegrini at a press conference, adding that his party will never cooperate with parties that question NATO and EU membership. am/df
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