Poll: Pellegrini Most Trusted Politician in Slovakia, Ahead of Fico and Caputova

3. septembra 2023 15:20
Bratislava, September 3 (TASR) - Former prime minister Peter Pellegrini, now head of the extra-parliamentary Voice-SD party, is viewed as the most trusted political leader in Slovakia, enjoying the confidence of 40 percent of the respondents questioned by Focus agency as opposed to 59 percent of those who distrust him. Ex-premier and 'OLANO and Friends' leader Igor Matovic is the most distrusted politician as he received the confidence of 8 percent and is seen as untrustworthy by 91 percent. According to the survey, which was carried out for private TV channel Markiza between August 9-16, the second most trusted politician is MP and opposition Smer-SD leader Robert Fico, who enjoys confidence from 37 percent and is distrusted by 62 percent. Fico was followed by President Zuzana Caputova, who received the confidence of 36 percent and who is seen as untrustworthy by 63 percent. Extra-parliamentary Slovak National Party (SNS) leader Andrej Danko came fourth (trusted by 29 percent, distrusted by 68 percent), followed by leader of the extra-parliamentary Republic party and MEP Milan Uhrik (trusted by 29 percent, distrusted by 64 percent), and caretaker Prime Minister Ludovit Odor (trusted by 26 percent, distrusted by 64 percent). Also making it to the list was head of the non-parliamentary Christian Democrats (KDH) Milan Majersky (trusted by 23 percent, distrusted by 61 percent), Parliamentary Chair and 'We Are Family' leader Boris Kollar (trusted by 22 percent, distrusted by 77 percent), leader of another extra-parliamentary party Progressive Slovakia Michal Simecka (trusted by 19 percent, distrusted by 68 percent), ex-premier and Democrats leader Eduard Heger and MP and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) head Richard Sulik (both trusted by 16 percent and distrusted by 83 percent). LSNS chairman Marian Kotleba is trusted by 14 percent and distrusted by 83 percent), and is followed by head of the extra-parliamentary ethnic-Hungarian Alliance party Krisztian Forro (trusted by 10 percent, distrusted by 58 percent). am
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