Wlachovsky Stresses Importance of Cooperation in Global Crises

18. septembra 2023 10:58
New York, September 18 (TASR) - Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Miroslav Wlachovsky, who's currently accompanying President Zuzana Caputova in New York before the start of the start of the General Debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, has drawn attention to the importance of cooperation in dealing with crises and challenges with a global impact, TASR has learnt from the Foreign Affairs Ministry. "Respecting the sovereignty of other states, not redrawing borders by force and resolving disputes peacefully. These ideals, on which the UN is based, continue to be trampled on by a member of the UN Security Council," Wlachovsky said, referring to Russia. According to him, the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine are being experienced by the whole world, therefore. "It is becoming increasingly clear that we can only manage crises and challenges with a global impact if we work together," the minister remarked. Wlachovsky on Sunday accompanied Caputova during her talks with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. They discussed the importance of international order, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, human rights and the Russian invasion. During the the General Debate of the UN General Assembly, Wlachovsky will participate in a series of events related to the preservation of peace and security in the world, conflict prevention and resolution, sustainable development, the protection of journalists, the situation in the Middle East and other challenges currently facing the international community. In addition, the minister will hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts from several countries, the Foreign Affairs Ministry added. Wlachovsky said that the priorities of the Slovak delegation include confidence in the functioning of an international order based on rules, cooperation and functional institutions, and solidarity with the countries of the Global South in the fight against the climate, food and energy crises. zel
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