Monitor: Fico: Consolidation of Public Finances Must Not Affect Living Standards

24. septembra 2023 22:26
(RTVS, 'Sobotne dialogy', September 23) The consolidation of public finances cannot be allowed to affect living and social standards of Slovaks, Smer-SD chair Robert Fico said on RTVS's discussion programme 'Sobotne dialogy' (Saturday Dialogues) on Saturday. Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) chair Milan Majersky, Fico's opposite number on the show, declared that KDH would support some tax hikes, such as the reintroduction of a bank levy. "We won't take away anything from what people already have. We announced a long time ago that we'll consolidate at the pace of 0.5 percent (of GDP) annually," claimed Fico, who believes that the economic growth must be kickstarted with several measures, including the solidarity of the rich with the poor. Consolidation of public finances, however, needs to be slow. Fico underlined that as many EU Funds as possible must be transferred from the state level to regions, cities, towns and villages. Majersky echoed that sentiment and added that KDH is in favour of increasing some of the taxes. "The bank levy of solidarity, if set at 0.2 percent, would present a way to acquire maybe some €200-250 million for the state coffers," he said. Majersky reiterated that KDH has ruled out any post-election cooperation with Smer-SD and extremists, whether it be the far-right LSNS or Republic parties. Majersky has recently also viewed with concern the programme of Progressive Slovakia, which he believes contains "elements of extremism". In response, Fico averred that rank-and-file politicians in KDH have a very different opinion on cooperation with Smer-SD. "I understand that you have to exclude us, but you're well aware that reality in KDH is quite different from the picture you're now painting," he told Majersky. Majersky reacted that he's familiar with opinions of all members of the leadership and what he had said about Smer-SD holds. mf
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