President: Election Winner Bears Greatest Responsibility for Further Development

1. októbra 2023 11:13
Bratislava, October 1 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova respects the election outcome as a manifestation of confidence expressed by voters, according to her position provided to TASR by the president's spokesman Martin Strizinec. According to Caputova, it is the election winner who bears the greatest share of responsibility for further development, as it raised the greatest expectations among the public. "I thank all citizens who participated in the election. I do respect the results of the election as a manifestation of the trust expressed by voters, and I congratulate the victorious Smer-SD party. My congratulations also belong to other political parties that will be represented in parliament," said the president. The head of state pointed to the fact that the election winner bears the biggest share of responsibility for further development, as it raised the greatest expectations among people. "Now it is important that it fulfils them for the benefit of all of us, for the benefit of Slovakia," she said. According to unofficial results released by the Statistics Office, the general election in Slovakia was won by the Smer-SD party. Parties that also made it into parliament are Progressive Slovakia (PS), Voice-SD, OLANO and Friends, Christian Democrats (KDH), Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and the Slovak National Party (SNS). ko/mcs
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