PS: Voice Can't Get Both PM and Interior Minister Posts for Gov't Credibility

8. októbra 2023 15:23
Bratislava, October 8 (TASR) - The Progressive Slovakia (PS) party disagrees with the opinion of the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party that it is necessary to offer both the prime ministerial and the interior minister posts to Voice-SD for the sake of creation of the coalition of four. At the same time PS noted that it does not view similar public calls by SaS to be a fortunate entry into the negotiations. "We'll try to explain our partners in SaS that for the sake of the whole government's credibility, we cannot leave both the prime ministerial and the interior minister posts to the Voice-SD party," reads PS's statement. PS leader Michal Simecka on Saturday (October 7) announced that he is ready to leave the prime ministerial post to Voice-SD chairman Peter Pellegrini for the sake of formation of the coalition of four. In reaction, SaS vice-chair Branislav Groehling said that the interior minister post needs to be offered to Voice-SD as well. Groehling pointed to the fact that Voice-SD is the only party that can choose whom it will form the government with. Former justice minister Maria Kolikova has posted a similar statement on a social network. "If Voice-SD holding the interior minister post is to prevent the government of Smer-SD from being created, it is certainly a better way for Slovakia than the justice and the interior ministries in the hands of Smer-SD," she said. ko
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