Sutaj Estok: Slovakia's Approach to Illegal Migration Turned by 180 Degrees (2)

9. novembra 2023 14:22
Prague, November 9 (TASR-correspondent) - Slovakia's policy in the area of illegal migration has been turned around by 180 degrees, said Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) following his meeting with his Czech counterpart Vit Rakusan in Prague on Thursday. According to Sutaj Estok, the previous government approached the problem in such a way that Slovakia was a safe transit country for illegal migrants and people-smugglers. "When the new government assumed office, we took steps to make it clear that our policy on illegal migration has turned around by 180 degrees," stated the Slovak minister, adding that the government is ready to do its best to protect Slovakia's southern border. Sutaj Estok said that the aim of the recent extensive operation on this border wasn't to catch illegal migrants but to send out a clear signal of the change in Slovakia's policy. "They simply can't pass through Slovakia like through Emmental cheese any more," remarked Sutaj Estok, adding that Robert Fico's cabinet wants to see the checks on the Czech-Slovak border scrapped as soon as possible. The Slovak minister praised Rakusan's idea of convening a meeting of the interior ministers of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) in an expanded format with Germany and Austria. Sutaj Estok sees the future of the Schengen zone as questionable, with individual states introducing border checks unilaterally. He finds it important to hold a broader discussion within central Europe, therefore. Sutaj Estok stressed that Slovakia will carry out tasks stemming from the need to protect the Schengen zone. "We are committed to fighting people-smugglers and illegal migration. We don't want ghettos and no-go zones in Slovakia like those that have arisen in France, Germany, Sweden and Belgium," said Sutaj Estok. The Czech minister expects the quality of Czecho-Slovak cooperation in addressing illegal migration to remain the same. He also wants the checks on the border with Slovakia to be scrapped, as they are demanding in terms of finances and logistics. "However, as interior minister, I have to ensure the safety of the citizens of the Czech Republic," said Rakusan. Rakusan and Sutaj Estok also signed a revised treaty on the state border on Thursday. ko/df
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