MPs Fail to Launch Session with No-confidence Motion in Blaha (2)

14. novembra 2023 14:22
Bratislava, November 14 (TASR) - Parliament on Tuesday failed to approve the agenda of a special session meant to feature a no-confidence motion in House vice-chair Lubos Blaha, with 69 MPs voting in favour, 78 MPs against, one abstaining and one not taking part in the vote. The no-confidence motion in Blaha was initiated by the opposition Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) in reaction to a video in which the House vice-chair removed a flag of the EU and a portrait of President Zuzana Caputova, which he replaced with a portrait of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, from his office. KDH said that it isn't ruling out initiating further no-confidence motions in Blaha. "We will continue to insist that Blaha should publicly apologise, remove the portrait of Che Guevara from his office and put the European Union flag back in its place," said KDH caucus head Martina Holeckova. Meanwhile, the opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party opined in this vein that Blaha is proving every day that he has never been worthy of the post of House vice-chair. According to the party, the post requires a decent, diplomatic and well-mannered politician. "Lubos Blaha doesn't really have these qualities in him," said SaS caucus leader Branislav Groehling. Progressive Slovakia caucus head Martin Dubeci noted that parliamentary vice-chairs should in particular represent the values of democracy and decent discourse. "In this, Lubos Blaha is failing completely. He should take responsibility for this and should no longer be a parliamentary official," wrote Dubeci on Facebook. Michal Sipos, leader of the caucus representing the coalition of the Slovakia party, For the People and the Christian Union, said that he considers it a disgrace that Blaha is a House vice-chair. zel/df
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