Gov't to Discuss Investment Aid, Law on Construction and Agreement with Thailand

10. januára 2024 9:45
Bratislava, January 10 (TASR) - The effect of the law on construction should be delayed by one year, i.e. to April 1, 2025, due to a lack of preparation for starting permit procedures in line with the new legislation, according to a proposal to be discussed by the cabinet at its session on Wednesday. Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) cabinet will also deal with a proposal to conclude Addendum no. 2 to the Agreement on Financing between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Slovak Republic, which is set to extend the deadline for drawing one of the EIB loans. Support for concluding a framework agreement between the European Union and Thailand and the annual report on the state of university education in Slovakia will be on the agenda of the session as well. The government is expected to approve state investment aid for Kia Slovakia. The company should receive investment stimuli amounting to €29.95 million in the form of income tax allowance in order to expand its current production capacities. Labour Minister Erik Tomas has submitted for the session an amendment to the social insurance law, which should define the 13th pension as a new pension benefit. ko/df
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