PS to Request SIS to Declassify its New Statutes, Reach Out to PG Too

7. marca 2024 20:57
Bratislava, March 7 (TASR) - Progressive Slovakia (PS) will send a letter to the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) and request that it declassifies the Government-approved change to the SIS statutes than has enabled SIS management changes, and file a complaint with the Prosecutor-General's Office as well, TASR learnt on Thursday. PS harbours suspicion that the law might have been circumvented and there is the risk that this might lead to the isolation of the Slovak secret service in the international context. Representatives of PS responded this way to the news that Pavol Gaspar has became the SIS deputy director, tasked with heading the secret service. MP Zuzana Stevulova detailed that the party will submit the request with the SIS on Friday (March 8). "We're also lodging a complaint with the Prosecutor-General's Office, so as to make it look into whether or not the new statutes are in discord with the Act on the Slovak Intelligence Service. In case this becomes necessary, we'll also reach out to the Constitutional Court," she said. "We've just learnt that the secret service, the main intelligence service of the Slovak Republic, has a new director. We didn't learn it based on an appointment ceremony held at the Presidential Palace, as the law stipulates. We found out from a news report," claimed PS caucus chair Martin Dubeci, who cast doubt over Gaspar's qualifications for the post. mf
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