PS: Government Wants to Make RTVS Its Propaganda Medium

12. marca 2024 14:06
Bratislava, March 12 (TASR) - A draft submitted by the Culture Ministry in connection with changes in RTVS confirms that the government of Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is following the Hungarian autocratic scenario, Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka told a news conference on Tuesday in reaction to the bill on Radio Television Slovakia (RTVS) published on Monday (March 11). Simecka said the opposition will make use of all available tools to oppose these changes. "What the government has presented is an undisguised ambition to create propagandist media that will assist the government and promote pro-Russian narratives in a servile manner," commented Simecka. He said that the government is following Hungary's suit, trying to gradually take control not only over the security forces, but also the media. "It's important to stand up to it," stressed Simecka, stating that in addition to opposition activities in parliament, he expects increased pressure from the public. He pointed out that it was such political civil resistance that helped to reverse the government's plans in the case of the Penal Code amendment. He announced that a public protest will take place in Bratislava on Friday (March 15) in this connection. MP Zora Jaurova (PS) views the proposed legislative plan as an effort to scrap the public-service character of RTVS. She pointed out that such steps are at variance with basic democratic principles as well as relevant EU directives that define standard frameworks for independent functioning of the media. She therefore called on the public not to remain indifferent to it. "Now it's time to stand up for RTVS," she said. She also announced that PS will initiate a session of the parliamentary culture and media committee concerning this. The Culture Ministry submitted a bill on Radio and Television Slovakia for inter-departmental review on Monday (March 11). The current institution shouldn't be formally divided, but several changes in the way it operates are proposed. In line with new rules, the general director should be elected by a seven-member council composed of three nominees of the culture minister and four elected in parliament. There should also be a programme council, the majority of whose members would be elected by parliament. ko/df
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