SaS: Gov't Solution to Mortgages Bad and Not Helpful at All

22. marca 2024 16:10
Bratislava, March 22 (TASR) - State aid with expensive mortgages was one of the main election campaign rallying points of Smer-SD, yet it turned out that this solution is wrong and doesn't really help people, the opposition SaS party stated on Friday. Citing statistics, SaS pointed out that the state had been promising to pay aid worth €64 million to mortgagors, yet fewer than 4,000 people received what amounted to €75 on average in the first month of the aid. "Robert Fico together with Ladislav Kamenicky (both Smer-SD) once again lied to the people. They claimed that the mortgages are the most urgent problem of Slovakia. Instead of solutions proposed by us, they prepared a bad legislation that fails to extend any aid whatsoever. What's worse, this aid is absolutely disproportionate," declared House Financial Committee Vice-chair Marian Viskupic (SaS). According to SaS, this confirms that using public resources for mortgage support is a bad idea. "The campaign of Robert Fico was one lie after another. They haven't addressed mortgages, food prices don't interest them and they've been sending weapons to Ukraine via private firms. This is yet another proof that the government is purporting to take an interest in the problems of the people, but in reality, it addresses only the problems of criminals," added SaS chair Branislav Groehling. mf/mcs
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