Bratislava: New Tram Line in Petrzalka to Be Handed over to City by Mid-December

26. marca 2024 20:07
Bratislava, March 26 (TASR) - The Jungmannova-Janikov dvor section of the new tram line in the Bratislava borough of Petrzalka is to be handed over to the city by December 15 this year, Bratislava mayor Matus Vallo posted on a social network, adding that after difficult negotiations with the Spanish and Chinese management of the construction contractor, they signed an amendment to the contract with a new timetable. According to the mayor, the contractor undertook to complete the tram line by mid-December so that the tram could run on it and to deliver to the city by that date all the documentation necessary for the approval of the preliminary use of the line. "Passengers could thus ride on the new tram line as early as the beginning of next year, depending on the duration of the permitting processes. The contractor also undertook to complete by August 2025 the rest of the construction objects, which are part of the project, but aren't necessary for the operation of the tram itself, such as the Kutlikova Street bridge," added Vallo. am/mcs
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