EP Elections: Only Five Slates of Slovak Parties Headed by Women

30. marca 2024 18:32
Bratislava, March 30 (TASR) - Of the 24 Slovak parties and coalitions running in the upcoming European Parliament elections, only five have women heading their slates. While Smer-SD has fielded long-time MEP Monika Benova as its number one candidate, the slate of the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) is headed by MEP Miriam Lexmann. Libusa Nicholson is the top candidate of the SOSK party, while the Pirate Party - Slovakia has Zuzana Skubova heading its slate. As for the Volt Slovakia party, its number one candidate is Lucia Klestincova. A total of 324 candidates is running in the elections in Slovakia. The public will elect 15 MEPs for five-year terms, with the election set to take place on June 8. zel
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