Lawmakers Not in Agreement Whether Convening of Security Council Was Justified

3. apríla 2024 19:59
Bratislava, April 3 (TASR) - Coalition and opposition members sitting on the House Defence and Security Committee are not in agreement as to whether last week's convening of Slovakia's Security Council was justified, TASR learnt on Wednesday. Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) informed the committee members behind closed doors about the current security situation. House Committee chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) insists that the Tajik national, who was one of the reasons behind the convening of the Security Council aside from a terrorist attack in Moscow, represents a threat to Slovakia's national security. Opposition's committee member Juraj Krupa (SaS) stated that the story of the Tajik is being misused for fearmongering. "The information we provided was serious and I hope that all lawmakers who were present there have understood that," claimed the minister, who wants to have the Tajik extradited, as he considers him a security risk and terrorist. "The information presented was factual, specific and in no way general. Even if there hadn't been any Tajik, the terrorist attack in Moscow is a reason enough, in and of itself, to convene the Security Council," assessed Gaspar. He pointed out that the latest intelligence will be evaluated by the National Security Analytical Centre, which might pave the way for changing the current terrorist threat level. Gaspar rejected any notion that this might be an exercise in political marketing before the presidential election. Committee vice-chair Samuel Migal (Voice-SD) stated that if the coalition had been engaging in fearmongering, the committee session wouldn't have been held behind closed doors. "I'm saddened to say that it is the opposition that gambles with the security of Slovakia and the Slovak people," he claimed, adding that Slovak security forces operate regardless of whether there are any elections. Opposition's MP Juraj Krupa (SaS) said that no information of consequence was shared at the committee session. He claimed that it's not even clear whether or not the Tajik in question is a terrorist and pointed out that the threat of terrorism has been stable for the past ten years. "Hence, there hasn't been any significant change. It was a purpose-built fearmongering, nothing more and nothing less. Of course, orchestrated with perfect timing just before the election," he commented. MP Gabor Grendel ('Slovakia'-Christian Union-For the People) claimed that it's very difficult to form an opinion without comprehensive information. "Despite the fact that the session was held behind the closed doors, we haven't learnt much," he said. The Committee was supposed to address also Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok's participation in an internet talk show hosted by Daniel B., for whom three international arrest warrants have been issued, but the lawmakers voted to take this item off the agenda. mf
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