Meeting with Party Leaders at Presidential Palace Planned for Tuesday

17. mája 2024 9:43
Bratislava, May 17 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova and president-elect Peter Pellegrini should meet the leaders of the parliamentary political parties on Tuesday (May 21) afternoon, TASR learnt on Friday. The president's spokesman Martin Strizinec has confirmed for TASR that the aim is to convene the meeting for this date, but the details will be announced only after they are fine-tuned. The same applies to the document on values and the rejection of aggression and violence that Caputova plans to prepare along with Pellegrini. "They are working on the document," said Strizinec. The president and her successor announced on Thursday (May 16) that they would invite the leaders of all parliamentary parties to the Presidential Palace in a move aimed at renouncing violence and calming the situation following the assassination attempt on Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD). At the same time, they called on political parties to suspend or significantly tone down their campaigning ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections. ko/df
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