Prosecutor Wants Fico's Shooter in Custody, Court to Decide on Saturday (2)

17. mája 2024 16:51
Bratislava, May 17 (TASR) - A prosecutor proposes to take into custody the shooter who heavily injured Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) with multiple gunshots on Wednesday (May 15), with the motion to be decided by the Specialised Criminal Court on Saturday (May 18), TASR learnt from court spokesperson Katarina Kudjakova on Friday. "The prosecutor deems the defendant a potential flight risk and believes that there's also the risk he might continue his criminal activity, hence he pursues both the flight-prevention and preventive custody," claimed the spokesperson. The Specialised Criminal Court received a proposal to take Juraj C. into custody on Friday, at 1.39 p.m. The defendant is charged with an aggravated murder attempt. mf/mcs
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