Interior: Court Confirms That Man of Tajikistan Posed Danger to Slovakia

31. mája 2024 20:07
Bratislava, May 31 (TASR) - A court affirmed the decision of the migration authority, according to which a man of Tajikistan previously deemed dangerous by the Slovak Security Council might be considered a threat to national security, TASR was told by the Interior Ministry press department on Friday. The ministry underlined that the decision of the migration authority was assessed as correct and lawful. It was Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) who reported about the man in late March. "In case of the Tajik national, the Kosice Administrative Court on May 30, 2024, turned down an appeal against the decision to cancel the provision of temporary asylum on the Slovak soil," said the ministry. In March, Sutaj Estok reported after an emergency session of the Security Council that an individual deemed dangerous to national security made it to Slovakia in 2022. The man originating from Tajikistan has a permanent residence in Ukraine. He was held in the Secovce detainment centre during the proceedings on his extradition. mf
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