Monitor: Coalition Prepares 'Lex Assassination Attempt' Measures

2. júna 2024 19:31
(RTVS, 'Sobotne dialogy', June 2) The coalition is preparing several legislative measures, a so-called "Lex Assassination Attempt", in response to the attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) life, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD) confirmed on RTVS's politics programme 'Sobotne dialogy' (Saturday Dialogues). Takac detailed that individual proposals are to be submitted by the Justice Ministry, Interior Ministry, Defence Ministry and Culture Ministry. His opposition number, MP Marian Viskupic (SaS), stated that the opposition has not been apprised of any of these motions yet. After the assassination attempt, Smer-SD party stands fully behind Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) and sees no lapses on part of Fico's security detail. Takac doesn't think that head of the Institute for the Protection of Constitutional Officials Pavol Krejci, whom the opposition accused of being a nominee installed to the post because of party affiliations rather than expertise, should be ousted. "The security of constitutional officials as well as opposition politicians is provided 100%," said Takac, who pointed out that the assassination attempt is still being investigated. Viskupic called for the investigation of the incident and commented that the security detail needs to change its routines. The lawmaker also believes that Krejci should resign or at least temporarily withdraw from the post. "That would be a display of culture, a show of responsibility, because the problem did happen after all," he claimed. In Takac's view, the public was informed about Fico's condition appropriately. Viskupic, on the other hand, pointed out that if it had been doctors tending to Fico instead of politicians who provided information on Fico's health, there would have been less room for speculation. Takac claimed that it will likely take months before Fico can return to work. There is an agreement within Smer-SD on not bothering the Prime Minister with issues of the day and leave him time for recovery, instead. Viskupic noted that Slovakia finds itself at the crossroads. "One direction is where SNS wants to pull us and Slovakia mustn't go that path. It's the restriction of freedom, freedom of the press and restriction of free speech. But I also see a different path, one that's more intelligent," he claimed. mf
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