Janckulik: Lex Assassination Attempt to Fall Short, But Might Curb Human Rights

21. júna 2024 21:21
Bratislava, June 21 (TASR) - The content of the Lex Assassination Attempt is too ill-drafted to actually improve security situation in Slovakia, opposition's MP Igor Janckulik (KDH) declared in the parliamentary debate on Friday and tabled an amending proposal. Janckulik proposed to withdraw some of the bill's provisions. He takes particular objection to the provisions limiting the public right to assembly, the introduction of lifelong salaries for former premiers and parliamentary chairs who served more than two full terms of office and steep fines for local authorities related to public protests. "We perceive the Government-sponsored proposal, purporting to improve the security situation in Slovakia, as a motion with a content that cannot improve and bolster the security situation in Slovakia," stated Janckulik. He underlined that the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) must be fully investigated first before any conclusions can be drawn and addressed with any legislation. KDH has a particular problem with interference with the right to assembly. Janckulik emphasized that this is one of fundamental human rights, the benefit of democracy and the Government bill is curbing it inappropriately. The party warned of the vague wording that could provide a fig leaf for limiting the right to assembly arbitrarily. mf
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