Blanar: We Support Induction of New Members into EU

21. júna 2024 22:14
Bratislava/Vienna, June 21 (TASR) - Options of additional support for EU accession talks with Western Balkans countries were discussed on Friday in Vienna by foreign ministers of the 'Friends of Western Balkans' informal group, with Slovak chief of diplomacy Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) praising the progress that has come after years of stagnation, but underlined that the countries of the region have been left waiting too long for their induction, TASR learnt from the ministry press department on the same day. The Friends of Western Balkans group, made up of Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia, was formed last year with an aim to revive and speed up the accession process. The foreign ministers met with their Western Balkan counterparts on Friday. "The group of Friends of Western Balkans managed to ensure that EU leaders passed a decision to open accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina, whereas next week an intergovernmental conference will be held to officially launch accession talks for Montenegro," claimed Blanar. In addition, a European financial facility worth €6 billion to support the socioeconomic development of the region in 2024-27 was approved with the support of the group. mf
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