SaS Rejects Scrapping of One Constituency, Considers Change to Be Purpose-built

24. júna 2024 13:29
Bratislava, June 24 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party doesn't agree with the scrapping of one constituency with MPs elected from national lists, TASR has learnt on Monday. The party explains that a large number of votes would be lost, seeing a calculated approach behind the efforts for a change. It also appeals to the opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) not to agree to such a change. "However, the argument about better representation in Parliament and more democracy doesn't stand up. If the laws passed by Parliament are to be valid throughout Slovakia, people should be able to elect their representatives from all over Slovakia. The claim that an elected MP from a given region will do more for that area than anyone else is also contradicted by long-time Smer-SD politicians from the east of Slovakia, who have done absolutely nothing for the region," stated SaS chairman Branislav Groehling. SaS considers the change of the electoral system to be purpose-built. It argues that it would suit only the ruling Smer-SD, because it would gain many more seats in the House than it would get under the current system. The Liberals have therefore called on the Christian Democrats that have also spoken about the change, not to trust the intentions of the ruling coalition. Interior Minister and Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok and opposition MP and KDH chair Milan Majersky spoke about the possible change to the electoral system during the weekend's political discussions. They agreed that Slovakia could have more constituencies. The minister announced that Voice-SD would bring this idea to the coalition and wants to discuss it. The KDH is in favour of eight constituencies determined by the borders of self-governing regions with MPs elected separately for each region. Majersky can imagine that in this case the party would supply the coalition with votes to approve the proposal. am/mcs
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