Separate Office of Vice-Premier for Recovery Plan to Be Set Up

27. júna 2024 13:48
Bratislava, June 27 (TASR) - An independent Office of the Vice-Premier for the Recovery Plan and Knowledge Economy will be set up and it is expected to boost the powers of the vice-premier, according to an amendment to the law on the organisation of the government's activities, which Parliament passed on Thursday. "The government draft law will also eliminate the previous non-standard and unprecedented legal regulation, when within the Government Office there existed a separate organisational component 'Vice-Premier's Office' that doesn't manage a ministry" with separate powers, external relations, a separate statutory representative, financial and managerial independence from the Government Office," reads the explanatory report. The Government Proxy for National Minorities and the Government Proxy for Roma Communities will also be established as permanent proxies. A Government Council for National Minorities will also be set up. According to the proposal, the Government Office will be the central body of the state administration for the formation and implementation of state policy and coordination of the implementation of tasks in the field of the rights of national minorities. However, this won't affect the powers of the Culture Ministry. am/mcs
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