SUMMARY - Monday, July 1, 2024 - 9 p.m.

1. júla 2024 21:00
Bratislava, July 1 (TASR) - The European Commission (EC) has approved to Slovakia the fourth payment worth €923 million under the recovery plan, Olga Dubravska of the National Implementation and Coordination Authority (NIKA) reported on Monday, adding that after deducting part of the pre-financing Slovakia has already received, it will be given a payment of more than €798 million. Bratislava, July 1 (TASR) - In connection with the decision of the European Commission (EC) to release the stopped payment from the recovery plan, the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party points to Slovakia's huge time lag, MP Stefan Kiss (PS) said in response to the announcement that the EC had approved Slovakia's fourth payment under the recovery plan. Lest, July 1 (TASR) - A Spanish contingent is taking over command of the NATO unit in Slovakia, Vice-Premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) told a press conference on Monday. Prague, July 1 (TASR-correspondent) - When Slovak Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is back at work, it'll be possible to talk about whether the consultations between the Czech and Slovak governments would make sense and, potentially, at what time they could be held, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Monday following a meeting of the most senior constitutional officials at Prague Castle. Bratislava, July 1 (TASR) - The state budget deficit amounted to €4.012 billion at the end of June, meaning that the state's economy deteriorated by €1.216 billion or 43.5 percent year-on-year, the Finance Ministry reported on Monday. Topolcianky, July 1 (TASR) - The Common Agricultural Policy, the European Union regulation on deforestation and the dual quality of food were high on the agenda of the meeting between Agriculture Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD) and his Czech counterpart Marek Vyborny in the town of Topolcianky (Nitra region). Bratislava, July 1 (TASR) - State-run health insurance company VsZP expects a loss of €169 million in 2024, spokeswoman for the Health-care Supervision Office (UDZS) Monika Betkova told TASR on Monday, adding that UDZS head Michal Palkovic considers this urgent and has asked for measures to be submitted. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact am
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