Barbara Mestanova Becomes Slovakia's New Ambassador to Israel

včera 19:14
Bratislava, July 2 (TASR) - Barbara Mestanova is Slovakia's new ambassador to the State of Israel, TASR was told by the Foreign and European Affairs Ministry on Tuesday. For more than ten years she worked in Tel Aviv as an economic diplomat and was also responsible for the foreign representation of Slovakia Travel agency. Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) confirmed at a joint meeting that the priority of the embassy will be to boost economic ties. Blanar noted that the trade turnover between Slovakia and Israel reached almost €345 million last year, the highest figure over the past six years. "We're interested in intensifying bilateral investment activities and improving the performance of economic diplomacy - to use more actively the potential that Israel offers, to attract new investors, but at the same time to assist Slovak entrepreneurs in establishing contacts and to use the experience of our compatriots," said the minister, adding that Slovakia's representative office in Tel Aviv will focus on supporting B2B negotiations, cooperation with the Israeli-Slovak Chamber of Commerce and honorary consulates. In addition to the development of bilateral economic relations, the new ambassador's intention is also to promote active tourism and the establishment of a regular airline route from Bratislava to Tel Aviv. "The existing charter seasonal flights connecting Piestany and Tel Aviv, established two years ago, have had a positive impact on increasing tourism in the region. A direct airline route with Bratislava could open up further significant opportunities for both countries," said Mestanova. am/mcs
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