SUMMARY - Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 9 p.m.

včera 21:00
Bratislava, July 2 (TASR) - The President's Office has detected fraudulent videos on social networks that misuse the person of President Peter Pellegrini to promote financial products, his office's communication department told TASR on Tuesday, adding that they have reported them as fraud and will consider further legal action. Zilina, July 2 (TASR) - Construction on all three missing stretches of the Kysuce section of the D3 motorway will start by the end of 2025, head of Zilina region Erika Jurinova posted on a social network on Tuesday following a meeting of the working group on the D3 motorway completion at the Transport Ministry. Bratislava, July 2 (TASR) - Barbara Mestanova is Slovakia's new ambassador to the State of Israel, TASR was told by the Foreign and European Affairs Ministry on Tuesday. Bratislava, July 2 (TASR) - Opposition MPs for the Christian Democrats (KDH) Peter Stachura and Frantisek Majersky are planning to file a motion to the Constitutional Court in connection with the signing of the law on health insurance companies, TASR was told by KDH spokeswoman Lenka Kovar on Tuesday. Bratislava, July 2 (TASR) - Slovakia will have a prestigious and worthy representation at the World Expo in Osaka, Japan, spokeswoman for Slovakia Travel Zuzana Eliasova said on Tuesday, adding that Slovakia Travel as the national organisation to support tourism is continuing detailed preparations for this prestigious event, which will take place in 2025. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact am
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