Rasi: Ministry to Help Find Funds for Construction of Martinske Hole Cable Car

8. júla 2024 16:17
Martin, July 8 (TASR) - The Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Ministry has declared its assistance in finding funds for the construction of a new cable car to the Martinske hole location in Zilina region, Minister Richard Rasi (Voice-SD) told a press briefing in Martin on Monday following a meeting with mayors of the Turiec area. The cable car project has been discussed in Martin for several years, the current estimated value of the project exceeds €12 million. "We'll hold talks at the level of our partners in the European Commission on how much money we'd be able to transfer to the cable car from the financial package intended for this region. We want the issue of transferring the money to be addressed in the next few weeks and months," said Rasi, adding that additional funds for the project could be brought by the revision of EU funds, which will take place at the turn of the year. am/mcs
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