Danko: Adoption of Penal Code Amendment Attests to Unity of Coalition

včera 15:58
Bratislava, July 16 (TASR) - Slovak National Party (SNS) leader and Parliamentary Vice-chair Andrej Danko praised Tuesday's approval of an amendment to the Penal Code by parliament, adding that the governing coalition thus once again showed its unity. Danko thanked coalition partners for the amendment's adoption and expressed his support for Justice Minister Boris Susko (Smer-SD) in his reforming steps. "We expect a major amendment to the Penal Code. I think that many other areas need to be addressed as well," Danko told a news conference on Tuesday. He criticised the opposition for "denunciation", "twisting the truth" in Brussels and being happy about any stumbling of the coalition. He denied that the coalition was fixing the legislation because it was scared of the EU. According to Danko, the Union has its powers in some matters. "I can't get rid of the impression that the European Commission is kind of blackmailing in many things that if it doesn't go our way, we will deprive you of the money," said Danko, adding that he doesn't want to stir tension at the time when the new composition of the European Commission (EC) is being formed, however. Parliament on Tuesday approved an amendment to the Penal Code that reflects recent consultations with the European Commission. The bill was dealt with via fast-track proceedings. The changes concern chiefly crimes damaging financial interests of the EU. ko/mcs
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