Susko: Purpose of Penal Code Amendment Is Protection of Slovakia's Interests

včera 16:32
Bratislava, July 16 (TASR) - The purpose of the approved amendment to the Penal Code is to protect chiefly the interests of the Slovak Republic and minimise the risks that Slovakia might lose any money from the EU, Justice Minister Boris Susko (Smer-SD) told a news conference following the legislation's approval by parliament on Tuesday. Susko stressed that the penalty rates in relation to Slovak and EU money are the same. "They aren't changing to be different for the purposes of the financial interests of the EU and our domestic order," he said, adding that it is the courts that decide on penalty rates. "This session was held just because the Slovak opposition is making a policy against Slovakia in Brussels," claims parliamentary constitutional committee vice-chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD). According to him, the opposition is pushing to Brussels garbled information and disinformation, based on which the European Commission comes up with various demands "that we have either already dealt with in our penal law, or are beyond what is required from other EU member states". Parliament on Tuesday approved an amendment to the Penal Code that reflects recent consultations with the European Commission. The bill was dealt with via fast-track proceedings. The changes concern chiefly crimes damaging financial interests of the EU. ko/mcs
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