MEP Lexmann Elected as Quaestor of European Parliament

dnes 11:48
Strasbourg, July 17 (TASR-correspondent) - Slovak MEP Miriam Lexmann (KDH) from the European People's Party (EPP) faction was elected as a quaestor of the European Parliament on Wednesday, receiving 459 votes in the first round. The MEP immediately thanked her colleagues for electing her, adding that it was a great honour for her to be given the post after her first mandate in the European Parliament in the previous term. Lexmann opined that this will allow her to influence fundamental issues in the functioning of European institutions, and she believes that this will also help Slovakia. "I want the European Parliament to function more effectively, to serve our citizens, to create good for all citizens of the Union in the areas for which it has a mandate, and not to interfere in the exclusive powers of the member states," stressed Lexmann. Lexmann is the second Slovak MEP to be elected to this post. Monika Benova (Smer-SD) was a quaestor in the previous term. She resigned from the post after leaving the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) last October, however. European Parliament quaestors are responsible for administrative and financial matters directly affecting MEPs, such as making general facilities and services available to them. zel/df
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