KDH Presents Own Ideas for Amending Constitution

dnes 13:43
Bratislava, July 17 (TASR) - The opposition Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) has presented its own priorities for amending the Constitution, which were unanimously approved by its presidency on Tuesday, TASR learnt from the party on Wednesday. KDH is ready to present specific proposals resulting from its agenda as of September and to hold a discussion with political opponents as well. The movement wants to bolster freedom of conscience, including conscientious objection. "The aim is to protect this constitutional right in, for example, health care, pharmacy or education, thus bringing more freedom for all and strengthening prevention before anyone can be forced to act contrary to basic ethical principles and boosting the requirement to protect the human dignity of every individual," it explained. A priority for the movement is to strengthen the right of parents to provide for the education and upbringing of their children in accordance with their religious, philosophical and pedagogical convictions. It is also in favour of a ban on surrogacy. "The war in Ukraine and other crises in the world, and in part the persistent social divisions in our country, are plunging many women into a desperate situation, which is being exploited by some couples to literally 'rent' these women and their wombs to bear test-tube fertilised children," said KDH. In its view, this is a despicable abuse of the women's plight and an activity that contradicts the requirement to protect human dignity. KDH will further propose the addition of a constitutional safeguard against the abuse of fast-track legislative procedures. It is also in favour of expanding the Prosecutor-General's Office to include special departments for fighting terrorism and corruption. The movement also calls for a fairer and more democratic electoral system in the country. It proposes greater strengthening of the regions, as this will create space to reduce regional disparities, help raise the standard of living and effectively address the problems of the public in all regions. It also wants to initiate a public expert debate, including legislative initiatives, on how to guarantee the business sector an appropriate position in society and encourage the government and parliament to pay it due attention. "If other political parties - whether from the coalition or the opposition - are willing to support some of our basic agenda goals aimed at better protecting fundamental rights, we are ready to have an open dialogue, even with our opponents in terms of opinion," said KDH chairman Milan Majersky. According to him, the movement will only support changes that increase the level of protection of fundamental human rights, bolster the rule of law and expand the space for freedom of thought, conscience and religion. zel/df
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