Ministry Objects to PS Statements on Pilot Ethnic-Roma School Project

dnes 16:53
Bratislava, July 17 (TASR) - The Education, Research, Development and Youth Ministry has strongly objected to statements made by the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party about the establishment of a pilot ethnic-Roma school in the village of Rakusy in Presov district, considering them to be misleading, TASR was told by the ministry's communications department. Opposition MP Ingrid Kosova (PS) criticised the planned setting up of the school at a press conference earlier on Wednesday. The ministry considers "the opposition movement's claims that ethnic schools form part of segregation in education to be irresponsible and disrespectful to Slovakia's national minorities." Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) also points out that in December 2023 he presented a comprehensive desegregation project, which is gradually being implemented. According to the minister, support for setting up the first ethnic-Roma school in Slovakia is a systemic step. "However, it is in no way a substitute for other measures aimed at desegregating Slovak education, which we are promoting. Anyone who claims otherwise is simply making things up," he stressed. The opposition MP pointed out at a press conference on Wednesday that although the minister declares that the new school is not a desegregation measure at all, the memorandum says exactly the opposite. She also sees the creation of an ethnic-Roma school as a means to avoid being fined by the European Union for violating the Race Directive. The planned pilot ethnic-Roma school in the village of Rakusy is the result of cooperation between the Education Ministry, the municipality of Rakusy, the University of Presov and the Association of Schools Teaching the Roma Language. The ministry signed a memorandum with the aforementioned stakeholders. am/df
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