PS: KDH Must Choose Whether to Collaborate with Government or Remain Principled

včera 10:54
Bratislava, July 18 (TASR) - The Christian Democrats (KDH) must choose whether to take the path of collaboration with the government of Robert Fico (Smer-SD) or opt for the path of conscience and principled politics to implement its agenda, said Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka in reaction to proposals for changes in the Slovak Constitution presented by KDH on Wednesday (July 17). "KDH must decide whether to choose the path of collaboration with Robert Fico's government, which is destroying the rule of law, freedom of the media and serving only itself and not the public, in order to promote its agenda, or to choose the path of conscience and principled politics. We, naturally, will use our options to appeal to the latter," Simecka has told TASR. PS is always ready to discuss with its partners in the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and KDH parties how to defend the rule of law and democracy in Slovakia. "However, any efforts to change the constitution with Robert Fico or [SNS leader] Andrej Danko go exactly in the opposite direction, and we reject them in principle," added Simecka. KDH has stated that it is ready to present specific proposals resulting from its agenda as of September and to hold a discussion with political opponents as well. KDH wants to bolster freedom of conscience, including conscientious objection. It also wants to strengthen the right of parents to provide for the education and upbringing of their children in accordance with their convictions. In addition, it is in favour of expanding the Prosecutor-General's Office to include special departments for fighting terrorism and corruption. ko/df
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