Oil from Russian Lukoil No Longer Flowing to Slovakia, It Could Affect Slovnaft

včera 13:47
Bratislava, July 18 (TASR) - Ukraine has stopped transporting oil from Russian company Lukoil, and this move will affect Bratislava-based refiner Slovnaft, the Economy Ministry has confirmed for TASR. "According to information that we've received from Transpetrol, supplies of Russian oil to Slovakia haven't been halted. Information from Slovnaft indicates that the problem only concerns deliveries from a particular supplier, Russian company Lukoil, which has been included on the sanctions list by Ukraine," said Economy Ministry spokesperson Maria Pavlusik. A long-term shortfall in supplies might negatively affect the Bratislava-based refinery. Despite a gradual transition to alternative suppliers, two thirds of the oil that it processes is still of Russian origin. The Economy Ministry added that although Lukoil provided part of Slovnaft's supplies, it has secured supplies of Russian oil from another supplier and has also ordered oil from alternative sources. "Despite this, the ministry has noted the problem and is actively addressing it along with its Ukrainian partners," added Pavlusik. ko/df
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