PS Wants to Discuss Changes to Rules of Procedure, Waits for Coalition Proposal

dnes 11:49
Bratislava, July 19 (TASR) - Lawmakers from Progressive Slovakia (PS) are prepared to discuss changes to the Rules of Procedure and have pointed out that the coalition has been talking about an amendment to the Rules of Procedure since the beginning of the current electoral term, which is why PS perceives the current steps made by the coalition as little more than marketing statements. "The Progressive Slovakia caucus is prepared to discuss changes to the Rules of Procedure. We're convinced that the Rules of Procedure need change. We've been calling for quite some time, for instance, for changes to the code of ethics that would regulate the behaviour of legislators in Parliament, which is often aggressive," PS caucus chair Martin Dubeci told TASR. Dubeci added that a working group has been formed to deal with the Rules of Procedure, but hasn't met even once since then. "That's why we perceive this more as marketing statements rather than as any specific steps that we could evaluate. The ball is in the coalition's court, and we're waiting for specific proposals. We will participate in the discussion," he added. mf/df
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