'Slovakia' Party Warns KDH against Working with Coalition to Change Constitution

dnes 12:10
Bratislava, July 19 (TASR) - The 'Slovakia' party considers the proclaimed willingness of the fellow opposition Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) to hold talks with the coalition on changes to the Constitution as toying with the future of democratic Slovakia, TASR was told by 'Slovakia' spokesperson Matus Bystriansky on Friday. Earlier this week, KDH unveiled its own proposals for changes to the Constitution. The Christian Democrats are calling for a fairer and more democratic election system and propose strengthening the standing of the regions. The 'Slovakia' party warns against cooperation with the coalition. "This government of organised crime will promise and do anything it can to find collaborators within the opposition to change the election system in such a way so as to obtain the additional few votes needed to cement itself in power for a long time," said Bystriansky. The spokesperson pointed out that experience from other countries shows that the 'first-past-the-post' voting system doesn't reflect the actual popularity of political parties and that the election winner might accumulate a lot more power and lawmakers than earned by its actual support among the voters. The 'Slovakia' party hasn't been asked to participate or cooperate in drafting changes to the Constitution. "Support for proposed changes on which we can agree is possible only in a government without Smer-SD, Voice-SD and SNS," added Bystriansky. mf/df
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