Ministers Announce Measures to Improve Conditions for Security Forces

včera 20:53
Bratislava, July 25 (TASR) - Members of the security forces will see their housing bonuses hiked by €200 on average as of January 2025, with the state also to introduce one-time stabilisation and recruitment bonuses worth €5,000, respectively, Justice Minister Boris Susko, Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (both Smer-SD) and Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) announced at a press conference on Thursday. Kalinak detailed that the new changes will apply also to soldiers. "These measures will be incorporated into the upcoming amendment to the State Service Act of Members of the Police Corps, Slovak Intelligence Service, the Prison and Judicial Guard Corps, Railway Police and with respect to the Slovak Armed Forces through the bill on the state service of professional soldiers," claimed Susko, adding that this is the maximum that can be done in light of the state of public finances. Eligible for the stabilisation bonus of €5,000 will be all corps members who have served at least 20 years and commit to serve for an additional three years. In addition, the recruitment bonus can be claimed by newly hired members who commit themselves to serve for at least five years. "This certainly won't satisfy everyone, labour unionists included, because some believe that the state coffers are kind of inflatable," commented Sutaj Estok, who thanked the unions for a constructive debate nonetheless. mf/mcs
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