SNP80: Anti-tank Gun and Photo Exhibition Displayed on Square in Brezno

22. augusta 2024 10:54
Brezno, August 22 (TASR) - An exhibition of photos depicting events that took place between 1938 and 1945 and an anti-tank gun have been recently displayed on the central square in the town of Brezno to mark the upcoming celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP). The town itself will celebrate the anniversary on August 31, bringing back an SNP half marathon on this occasion. The anti-tank gun that has been installed in the town is meant to remind the public that Brezno was among the three most important places during the SNP. "The fifty-seven-millimetre anti-tank gun was intended for destroying the enemy's self-propelled guns and armoured personnel carriers, destroying and silencing infantry fire assets, as well as eliminating uncovered live forces," the municipality said on its website, adding that more detailed information is provided to those interested on an information board placed in front of the cannon. As for the photo exhibition, it maps the sociopolitical and economic development in the town from the declaration of Slovak autonomy in 1938, through the period of the Slovak State to the events of the summer of 1944, which resulted in the SNP. "Through textual and pictorial information, it introduces the importance of Brezno, which, along with Banska Bystrica and Zvolen, became one of the components of the operational triangle codenamed Zuzana," the municipality explained. zel
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