Opposition Condemns Bomb Threats against Schools

3. septembra 2024 14:23
Bratislava, September 3 (TASR) - The opposition on Tuesday condemned bomb threats at schools across the country, with the Progressive Slovakia (PS) party calling on Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to convene a session of the Security Council. The Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) called on people to stop making false bomb threats, pointing out that children suffered long enough because of closed schools during the pandemic. "We cannot afford to gamble with their future as a result of primitive cyberbullying," it added. Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) lambasted what it sees as the incompetence of the leadership of the Interior Ministry, asking what Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD), police chief Lubomir Solak and Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka have done to prevent the mass bomb threats from May this year from reoccurring. According to SaS MP Juraj Krupa, the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) is to blame for the status quo. As for PS, the party noted that Premier Fico has convened sessions of the Security Council over less grave matters. "But now he has time only for his personal revenge. Prime Minister, if anything is a proper reason to convene a session of the Security Council, it is threats against a number of schools," PS leader Michal Simecka told Fico. Simecka at the same time noted that the president can also ask the prime minister to convene such a session. "Peter Pellegrini is outraged, but he does not act. I don't understand what he's waiting for now," added the PS leader. Nearly 270 schools across Slovakia received bomb threats on Tuesday morning. The case is being investigated as a terrorist attack. zel/df
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