Blanar: Slovakia and Croatia Have Good Relations and Want to Develop Them

včera 16:01
Bratislava, September 6 (TASR) - Slovakia and Croatia have very good and well-developed bilateral relations, which we want to develop further in every area, Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) said at a joint press conference held with his Croatian counterpart Gordan Grlic Radman, whom he received on Friday. The assessment and development of bilateral relations as well as topical issues on economic cooperation with emphasis on energy and energy security were high on the agenda of the joint meeting. They also discussed the international and European agenda, including migration and the Western Balkans region. "Croatia and Slovakia have very similar views on many things, we share the same values, but above all we have good bilateral relations, which we want to develop in every area, including economy, cooperation within the European Union, but also in terms of investment, because Slovak investors are also discovering Croatia. We'd also be happy if this would be the case from the Croatian side as well," said Blanar. Both ministers also see the potential for strengthening cooperation in the energy sector. In this context, Grlic Radman confirmed that Croatia has sufficient oil supply capacity for Hungary, Slovakia and the Western Balkan countries. "The Janaf oil pipeline is ready, operationally speaking, to fully supply Slovakia, Hungary and the Western Balkan countries. Its annual capacity is more than 16 million tonnes of crude oil," he said. am/mcs
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