Prime Minister: MPs Should Discuss Simecka's ouster on Thursday

6. septembra 2024 16:47
Bratislava, September 6 (TASR) - MPs are expected to discuss the coalition's proposal to oust Parliamentary Vice-Chair Michal Simecka (Progressive Slovakia/PS) from his post on Thursday (September 12), Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said on Friday. The no-confidence motion was tabled by Smer-SD and SNS MPs. It was initiated by the prime minister, who accuses Simecka of linking foundations that have received money from the state to his family members, including his uncle, mother and partner. "The extraordinary meeting regarding the vote of no-confidence in Simecka should be held on Thursday," Fico told journalists during his working trip to Handlova (Trencin region) on Friday. In their justification for Simecka's ouster, the Smer-SD and SNS MPs mention the use of state subsidies by persons close to the PS chief and suspicions of manipulation in the allocation of subsidies. They also accuse him of organising protests against the leadership of the Culture and Justice Ministries, in which, according to them, Simecka's family is losing its financial backing. The PS leader maintains that the premier's attacks on him and his family are a distraction from Slovakia's real problems. He pointed out that all the foundations and civil associations mentioned by Fico and the coalition were drawing subsidies long before he entered politics. Simecka added that PS has never been in government and so has never had any influence over the distribution of subsidies. am/mcs
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