HaZZ: 47 Firefighters Putting Out Fire in Low Tatras, Helped by Helicopters

včera 19:01
Ludrova, September 8 (TASR) - The fire in a difficult terrain in the Ludrovska Valley on the northern side of the Low Tatra mountains is being extinguished also on Sunday by 47 professional and volunteer firefighters as well as helicopters, spokeswoman for the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) Presidium Zuzana Gegussova, told TASR, adding that Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) and Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) head Adrian Mifkovic were also on the scene to check the situation. Firefighters were surveying the fire site from Sunday morning using a drone, based on which they decided on the next course of action. "The extinguishing will be provided by helicopters of the aviation unit of the Interior and Defence Ministries using helicopter buckets," said Gegussova. According to her, ten members of the ground firefighting module have been dropped at the top of the hill from where they will move under the overhang of the rocks to places where the water from the helicopter buckets can't reach and will use simple technical means to extinguish the fire. The interior minister posted on a social network that the fire is under control. "Since Friday (September 6), 45 firefighters have been battling the fire in the Low Tatras and 11 pieces of ground and aerial firefighting equipment have been deployed," wrote Sutaj Estok, highlighting the prompt and professional intervention of the management staff on the scene. The fire in the Ludrovska Valley broke out on Friday (September 6) afternoon in a difficult to access terrain on an area of 100x100 metres. am
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