Simecka Informs Security Forces about Threats against Him and His Family

11. septembra 2024 12:51
Bratislava, September 11 (TASR) - Opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader and House Vice-chair Michal Simecka has informed security forces about the threats and hate-fuelled attacks against himself and his family that he has been receiving, according to a statement provided to TASR by PS. Simecka has called for an end to the spread of false information and attacks in the public space, as it only polarises society. According to Simecka, the government led by Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is sowing "a huge amount of malice" in society, which results in an increase in attacks against those whom he calls enemies with his hate-loaded language. The PS leader warned of possible serious consequences of this. "Since Robert Fico, [SNS leader] Andrej Danko and others started attacking my family with their lies, I've been receiving a lot of extremely hate-fuelled mail, including death threats, anti-Semitism of the worst kind, disgusting attacks on my partner, daughter and mother. The hate-filled words copy exactly what people can hear at Robert Fico's press conferences," stated Simecka, calling on government representatives to realise what they are causing with their actions. The governing coalition has criticised the PS leader for the use of state subsidies by people close to him. This is one of the reasons cited in a proposal for his dismissal filed by MPs for Smer-SD and SNS. A special House session on this issue should be held on Thursday (September 12). Simecka views it as a revenge for his good performance in his opposition job. ko/df
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