Majersky: Gov't Uses Simecka's Ouster as Fig Leaf for Own Incompetence

11. septembra 2024 14:59
Bratislava, September 11 (TASR) - By initiating the ouster of opposition's House Vice-chair Michal Simecka (PS), the Government is only attempting to divert attention away from its inability to draft a quality programme for the consolidation of public finances, KDH chair Milan Majersky stated on TASR TV on Wednesday. Majersky added that the opposition parties still hope that the ouster of the opposition's representative in the Parliament's leadership won't happen after all. "It's about fundamental democratic principles. We've got 34 years of freedom and democracy here and suddenly someone says that he doesn't like this particular Vice-chair from the opposition, so let's oust him," claimed Majersky. Reasons for the ouster, presented by the governing parties - namely, the drawing of the state subsidies by individuals close to Simecka - are not deemed relevant by Majersky. "What project should or shouldn't receive the state support should be decided by its quality alone," underlined Majersky. The opposition parties have already discussed steps to express their disapproval in case the governing coalition will dismiss Simecka from the post of the House Vice-chair. Majersky reiterated that if the coalition parties continue to prove unable to elect their own House chair, the opposition will put forth its own joint candidate for the post. He pointed out that currently the opposition is united behind the bid of Frantisek Miklosko (KDH). Unlike the governing parties, the opposition is not bound by any "opposition agreement" and if the opposition can rally behind a single name, the coalition should be capable of doing so as well. mf
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