Sutaj Estok: Artificial Intelligence Security Cameras to Be Deployed in Schools

11. septembra 2024 16:43
Bratislava, September 11 (TASR) - A camera system with artificial intelligence should be deployed at around 3,000 schools by the end of 2026 to prevent the spread of various security threats, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) said following the cabinet meeting on Wednesday in connection with the approved document on the introduction of a camera system in primary and secondary schools. The minister added that cameras will be installed in three pilot schools this year, however, he didn't specify them. "These will be modern-generation cameras, which will also have face recognition. It will be a solution that won't burden police officers in district departments," Sutaj Estok noted, adding that the cameras will be able to identify when unexpected behaviour and certain risks occur using artificial intelligence. Only then, according to him, they will report to the operations centres the possibility that something is happening on campus. According to the Interior Ministry, the project is implemented in close cooperation with security experts and school institutions. "Experts have designed the placement of cameras to ensure optimal surveillance of high-risk zones without violating the privacy of students and staff. The number of cameras may vary depending on the size and layout of the school," noted ministry spokesman Matej Neumann. The government at its session earlier on Wednesday approved a motion proposing active monitoring of primary and secondary schools and an automated alert system. The project's total cost is more than €62 million. am/mcs
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